Leonard - The band leader, Super passionate when he plays. Somemore dengan penuh gayanye until the fire came out... hahaha...
Victor - Guitar, super concentrate when he plays Sweet Child! You can see his eye brows almost stick together already. Woohoo!!!! Victor in the house!
Julian - Also on guitar. Always play posing posing one. Super conscious when there is a camera around. See, he's making that innocent look again. Kah kah..!!!
Wei Ming - On drums. The youngest of us all. =] But his drums got skills! Don't play play.
Yi Chang - Akon. Hahaha.. Smack that! all on the floor! He almost termakan the mic wei...
Phylli - The prettiest vocalist in FMC! (coz there's no other girl). She sings like a pro if she can remember all her lyrics