21 years of time. Refreshing my memories. First, Meself and family. Papa, mama and ko ko, chieh chieh and ah yik. Here, THE NG'S FAMILY

Happy baby phyllis!!! These are the oldest photos I can find.(All my baby photos were destroyed by another baby who came after me)

Great parents. My super Papa Vincent and Mama Susie.
Super papa= School headmaster+ Math expert
Super mama= Dental nurse+ head of dicipline department

I am never good in math, not so self diciplined, and my teeth are easily get berlubang(not my fault, lacking of some nutrient i guess). They're never too hard on me, but at least they make sure I am on the right track, not too far away, had have their faith in me...yea.. i know... and i do have healthy teeth!! She fix all my rosak teeth=). I understand how hard it is to raise a child like me. Mom told me that I'm too 鬼 灵 精 怪. Lots of weird ideas. so, she also need to be very creative dealing with me.

Wonderful sister(in fact, the best-est sister)
She, 4 years older than me. She was shy and very introvert. But after all the years, I see how she bloomed into a beautiful, confident, independant, a person who really strive and serious towards every tasks, who speak out her mind, and someone that my parents proud of. Really thank God for giving me such a great caring and loving sister.

Naughty brothers. Always hungry. Food is the thing that please them most. =) Big brother Philip was not around since I was darjah satu. He don't speak very good mandarin and he don't even know how to write his name in chinese. But it doesn't matter anyway because we talk 'rojak' at home. Small mischievous brother Bennet. Baby of the house. Well, he is the youngest, what to do?? hehe no choice, everyone sayang him lah! The 4 of us were brought up by the same parents, same method, but turn out very very different products.

My younger time would not be so colourful without him.
We'd got the best wrestling moment.

to be continue...

Yay!~! 21 years old Phyllis!!!
Slowly adapting myself with it. haha!!

Met my best-est friends. Sophia and Sue Ling. thoughtful and creative. Sweets wrapper and rubbish in my present. Cool!!! Some might think that it is disguisting. but i think it's really cool!!(the rubbish were all clean rubbish la) i know how long did both of you took to plan to come over. Miss you all so much lar.

Thanks to everyone who poured efforts on it. :) love you all so much. MUACKS!!!
level of happiness are rated from 1-5 the least to the most.


Ratings and Events
5 Papyrus Art is officially a registered company! yay!!! very happy!

4 Finally Cross Cultural Management group assignment report is done!

3 Lecturer got a little shock when she saw the report. Can't blame her, because it is 102 pages long. Thick and filled with words! what to do, report what. so.. well, I don't really know whether is she happy with it or not.

2 Met and discussed with the lecturer on the seminar that we going to organise. As a group leader, i know i let down my group members, and the lecturer.. and me myself. Phyllis!! get alert leh! wake up!! wake up!! don't be so blur!!! should have just bring the paper! ish...

1 Tomorrow is my birthday. YEA!!! 19th of April is my birthday!!! hmm.. 21st birthday. Isn't that i am suppose to feel happy and excited about it??? Sad to say... I DON'T WANNA grow up sooooo fast!!! can't i just remain 20??? :(

CONFUSED HAPPY??? yeah.. confused.

Happy EASTER!!!

Happy happy when we wish happy Easter to others. Hmm... Because of Jesus’ death, and His Resurrections we get to wish our friends and family Happy Easter. He was born to die for the sins of the world. How great is that love. Too wonderful that I can't imagine. The wood, the bloody flesh, and the water comprise a picture of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Our new life comes through the obedience of offering the chosen sacrifice to God.

Why? Why must He came and died on the cross for us? Why is that He as God chose such gruesome method to die? ... He wants to let us know the seriousness of sin. He came then we have a benchmark to compare to and a model to follow to. It's not easy to become the children of God, but when Jesus died and rose again, He made it easy for us. Just keep reminding myself not to waste His banyak banyak grace on me as his grace has given to me for FREE.

Glory to our Lord Jesus! Happy Easter everyone! :)

Easter cards are kept unsent. hehe... funny. shall post it tomorrow then.

Love this picture sooo much! just got it few days ago. keke.. soo cute (talking about the people or the soft toy???) :P
That's last year, almost Christmas! :)
Today I just had someone that i sayang that cried in my arms. Always, in this kind of situation, i will not know what to say... cause i don't know how to. But I believe my shoulder and hugs are all what I can give. Hug is the best medicine. It ease the pain that's deep inside and it indicate that somebody loves you and he or she cares for you. Holding her in my arms, see her crying like that makes my heart melts.

I seldom get sad and down because of the things happening around me. Always optimistic and cheerful, sometimes siao siao, that's me. Only bad relationship thingy makes me down and sad. DOWN!! really down. REALLY down. I can be mean to someone sometimes, but after a while, it will bring tons of guilt in me. Or, people being mean to me... erb.. sad sad.

I remembered when I used to have such relationship problems with my friend, which been dragging and haunting me for months. That makes me feel like dying. Asked God many questions. I asked God for answers, asked God for His forgiveness, asked God to cleanse me, asked God to take that all away, asked God to comfort me, asked God to hold me tight, asked God to give me good sleep at night, asked God to cheer me, asked God to give me a good day, asked God to not let us quarrel again, asked God to help me to run away from that, asked God to help me not think about it, asked God to mold me during that period, asked God to teach me, asked God to give me wisdom to face it, asked God to make me strong, asked God to teach me to follow His will, asked God to help me to take that as a blessing, asked God to help me to put all my faith in Him.... Papa, I'm so sorry that at times like that, I thank You because it's an obligation although some of them are truely from the heart. I told myself " don't worry, God has everything in hand. Phyllisia Ng Ling Lee, now you listen, you might not know what to do, but He is in charge! He knows what to do and He is always there for you. It will be fine! it will be OK!! "

Now, it's all over. I learnt to stick to Him no matter what happen and to put all my faith in Him. I know my Papa lead me through all that. He hold me tight in His arms and I know that He will never let me go. Papa, the pain still hurt a little sometimes, yes it is, but it reminds me of how You lead me through it, how much grace and love that You been given to me. Papa, thank You for Your big big shoulder and Your many many hugs! and many hugs from people who love me.
ei.. 这 里 可 以 写 中 文. 好 棒!

Trimester 3 的 星 期 五 我 都 没 上 课. 在 家 老 是 乱 想. 想 太 多 了 吧... 累 了. 好 吧! 我 决 定 了 在 这 里 写 关 于 我, 我 的 生 活, 身 边 的 人, 爱 我 的, 不 爱 我 的, 还 有 身 边 的 很 多 很 多 事 物

大 家 好! 我 是 阿 咪! --->Phyllisia
I'd been using xanga for a few days, but it doesn't seems that convenient cause my friend can't add their comment if they are not a xanga member. cacat-ed...
So, i have to transfer everything here in BLOGGER! woohoo!~
Let me try with a few chinese character first whether it work or not kie!
可 以 吗? wow!!! can wor! *happy* *applause* Anyway, that 3 chinese characters pronounce as ''ke yi ma'' means ''boleh ke?''. :D