Yes! What on earth is happening? I am too busy to blog lately. Haven't even got the time. Work, thinking about Chikuchiku, going for photography workshop, parents and sis visiting, building up a new website... unending.

Well, mainly about work. I don't think I even got the time for toilet break. Why so busy? What so busy at work? Well, we rolled out a new product called Performance Network couple of months back and now it is fully activated. We are going on full throttle.

The other day, I went to Shootfest001: The Wedding. It was really cool. Now I see photography in a different light, and I think I can do much more than the conventional photography and do it my style. One of the most inspiring talk was by Jenny Sun. WHY? because... she started her photography business with just a Canon 350D and a standard kit lens. Moral of the story is, you gotta start somewhere.

Oops. I think Paddy had just got herself in trouble. heh.