The weather in Bangkok is SCORCHING HOT! Just like the people. Now I understand why do they have Sonkran at this time as their new year. haha.

Bangkok - chatuchak - floating market - Kanchanaburi - Bangkok - Ayutthaya - Bangkok

I manage to get online on the rock today at the Ayutthaya Wat Phra Mongkhon Bophit (some super Old Thai Temple). When I said super old... It is a few thousand years old okay. Cycling around Ayutthaya... something different. God knows how many years I didn't ride a bicycle. heh.

Elephant dancing. Water splashing.

Yesterday I was at the Floating Market in Damnoen Saduak then to Kanchanaburi visiting the Burma Death Railway.

Sonkran - Water Festival, Bangkok is pack like sardin. The street(Khao San) that I am staying in has thousands and thousands of people. It took us about an hour just to pass through one street. It was madness. Water is everywhere and you are not suppose to get angry when people throw water at you. I got myself a water gun bringing it everywhere that I go. haha. That was fun. It is just impossible NOT to get wet. White yellowish flour mixing with water is just icky. They will have it in a bowl and spread them on your face... Just like putting the icing on a cake. For the first time in my life I had so many strangers touching my face. ick!

Plane - Train - Bus - Tuk-Tuk - MRT - Taxi - Walking

I would say... this backpacking trip is RICH. I mean... there are so many things that I have done and so many places that I went... It's an amazing experience. Now I am just stuck at the guest house getting online. It is too difficult to go out. Else... We will get dirty and the whole washing up process... is just too tiring. haha. No picture at the moment since I didn't bring my card reader.

Miss you all in Malaysia. ciao!

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous on 11:53 AM

    photo photo photo!!! i want see photo!!!