Yes. My Tambi (younger brother). Happy Birthday!! You are little bit older now. Can't see you like a baby anymore. I think family member that I spent the most of my time with is you. Remember how we used to fight like 2 crazy dogs in the house? We even bring down a room door because of that. Silly. Remember times when we squatted at the balcony? Even by just sitting down together, not talking... it was nice. Many days that mom and dad weren't around, we have each other to lean on. Remember how we used to have fun making lunch and eat them till 3 -4 pm ? I guess many of our personality and characteristic were formed from the influence of each other - good or bad.

Sorry for times that I scolded you. Sorry for times that I think you are stupid. I guess you just wanna show that you can make decision and you can be independent. I am sorry that I said harsh things to you. I am sorry that I said:" I wish you didn't even existed." I am sorry.

You are a loving person, patient, and wacky! I hope you will grow even more and be strong. I will love you no matter what happen.

You are worthy in God's eyes. He will not abandon you. He love you and He wants to give you the best of life. He will be your fortress and refuge in your darkest moment in life. He will always provide you. He will protect you. He will not leave you alone in any circumstance in life. He will stand before you when you go for a "war".
You are His son. His beloved son. He has a perfect life plan customised specially for you. Live wholly and fully for His glory.
Lastly, I wanna say that I am very proud of you. I am glad He didn't terminate your life account 18 years ago. I guess you are special. =)

Happy birthday Tambi!

1 Comment

  1. ~ Jules ~ on 7:22 PM

    cute-nya, phylli dan bennett!