Sometimes, shit happens.

When shit happens, there is no tolerance, no mercy, no justice. I don't understand why. Somehow... it wasn't anyone's fault. It just wasn't. This time around, it is the same. It is just not one's fault. I knew it was not. At least, it can't be blamed fully on just one person. How I wish I can share the burden.

Who will listen to the cries of those being threated with unjustness? The justice is not gonna be claimed. No one will claims. The first contractor will push the shit to the second contractor, then the fourth contractor and it continues. Who ever is the third or the fourth contractor, they are just gonna be there to collect all the mess, cleaning them up then contain everything inside.

I am just feeling bad about it. I am the fourth contractor, but I didn't get the shit. It looks like it happened by choice. Not fair.