How long can I stay upset at You?
How long can I run away from You?
Where can I go?
Where can I hide?
The earth is still your domain
Will staying angry at You help?
Will giving up on You, make me complete?
I can't deny I still feel empty
I can't deny that I don't feel any better
Could it be that there is something I ought to learn?
Is there a greater plan for me?
Is this a passing trial that I would have to go through
In order to be ready for something bigger?
Could it be, He is moulding the other man
Preparing him to be the perfect man, for me?
Speed your answer I long to hear...

But first. I need to sit and want to listen...


  1. Sharon Amrita on 6:22 PM

    Hey, Phylli,
    Hope wat i said today helped, even if a teensy bit. I do believe tt our God has a great big plan for u.. and He will answer ur heart's prayer and greatest desire - in His time, in His very special way..

  2. Anonymous on 11:10 PM

    ***Lord grand her the strength to accept what she cannot change, grand her the will to stay in place from all the tremors in her life*** -Amen-
