Today I heard about her dreams. How things turned up for her. From young till now where she is 21. She came from a OK family in terms of financial and background. The father works as a supervisor from some big company.
The mother works as a clerk from some famous company as well.

I heard about how she was given the freedom when she was in high school and how she turned ribelious, how she influence the others or rather, the others wanted to be influenced by her, how she chose her path for her own education, how the parents taught her, how the parents listened and how they let her be what she wanted to be.

We shared our dreams and what we want to be in the future. She is glad how she was brought up by the parents. She is glad that she was rebelious at a point of her life. She is glad of where she is now. I got to know that she plays the piano, the drums, the guitar like how much I know the piano, the drums and the guitar. I was amazed. She loves to sing too and the thing is she can sing!!! Phreaky tho. A bit.

It's really nice to know someone... like someone that you already been together for 3 years in uni and yet... at the last semester that we could be still in campus so much within few weeks. I am glad.

I am glad that the class got closer at least at this last semester of us being in the campus. *me smiled* Today is like Hari Integrasi for me. Thanks to Prof. Sh*tty for the loooooong classes. We manage to go out and had dinner for the first time. Those from peninsular, those from the Borneo (The Land of beauty or I said it as the most beautiful island in the world); all the different races together! I wonder why we only stick with our own gangs for the past few years. I think I am gonna miss uni life. Whether it's the sh*tty ones or the good ones. I am glad that I enjoy the bits and pieces of them. I hope the night out that we planned in Sh*tty's class will be a success. We hardly got out together as a class, all the gedeks. I look forward for that. Don't 'Fong Fei Kei' alright??!! Don't lar plan so hard then tak pi kan? Hari tu kata nak pi PD pun tak jadi. Tak best lar kan?!.. Seelar, next semester we are gonna be scattered all over the places... I don't know where will I be.

I will miss uni life... I am sure I will... All the best people!


  1. Anonymous on 2:34 PM

    my sentiments exactly. why lar we all stayed in our own group ah?

  2. Phylli on 2:40 PM

    yea... we did. only this sem we go around like ahli nomad. AHLI NOMAD ROCKS!!!