Little Ethan:) I was playing with him at the place where musicians normally hang around (behind there). Geez... I was just right infront of him doing the same action. We accidentaly made some noise, realising that people were still listening to Pastor Caleb, I quickly put my finger infront of my mouth and Ethan followed what I did!

Somehow people just forget that they once had that kind of smile, thoughts, expressions.. so genuinely from the bottom of the heart. well... like a kid. Jesus said:" Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kindom of heaven" He would like us to humble ourselves like children:) whoever humble themselves like children will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven!


  1. weeLee on 10:28 AM

    Very cute Ethan indeed.

    Here's another
    Ethan snapshot.

  2. Leon Jackson on 1:12 AM

    Yup, we (the Jacksons) noticed that you really like kids.