Happy EASTER!!!
Happy happy when we wish happy Easter to others. Hmm... Because of Jesus’ death, and His Resurrections we get to wish our friends and family Happy Easter. He was born to die for the sins of the world. How great is that love. Too wonderful that I can't imagine. The wood, the bloody flesh, and the water comprise a picture of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Our new life comes through the obedience of offering the chosen sacrifice to God.
Why? Why must He came and died on the cross for us? Why is that He as God chose such gruesome method to die? ... He wants to let us know the seriousness of sin. He came then we have a benchmark to compare to and a model to follow to. It's not easy to become the children of God, but when Jesus died and rose again, He made it easy for us. Just keep reminding myself not to waste His banyak banyak grace on me as his grace has given to me for FREE.
Glory to our Lord Jesus! Happy Easter everyone! :)
Easter cards are kept unsent. hehe... funny. shall post it tomorrow then.